At Gibson & Mullennix, we practice in a number of areas of the law. When dealing with expungements we always get a number of calls. Once we establish if our client is eligible, the question we get the most about expungements is the time frame it takes to get...
Protecting Your Interests
Month: May 2021
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Small Estate Affidavit Revisited
Pursuant to Section 91-7-322 of the Mississippi Code, persons are allowed to file a small estate affidavit. But in 2020 the amount of estate permitted increased. The total amount of the Estate now may be up to $75,000.00. All other elements of the statute remain the...
Early Parole Eligibilty Signed by the Governor
The Mississippi Governor recently signed a new bill that will go into law on July 1, 2021 allowing for expanded parole eligibility for Defendants convicted of a felony: Nonviolent crimes. All persons sentenced for a nonviolent offense shall be eligible for parole only...